Page name: Nekko RP [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-11-27 20:06:35
Last author: Chellie Bear
Owner: EmO GuRl
# of watchers: 9
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[people are only aloud to rp on this on a weekend thank you]

Nekko RP u choose a character and choose how they act(description)You can join by asking me [ILY;;] and you also can put your own character up if your a lad theres loads of girls (sorry)THEY MUST BE NEKKO!

1.You must write in pink if you need a question are something in the comments box like dis [em.. HELLO].
2.Roleplay in comments box.
3.You can be evil but not at everyones neck 24/

Isha:- Isha is quiet and doesn't talk to much unless you really get to know her, then she'll open up more to you. She doesn't fall in love easily, but once she's in love it's hard for her to get out of it. Shes a good person despite her gothic appearance. She just wants people to appreciate her and she apologizes a lot because she feels that everything is her fault. She doesn't fight but when she does she doesn't strike blindly an her moves are fluent and smooth. She has a power over nature which she uses to make things grow and controls water. She loves playing her flute and is very musically inclined.
played by:- [Music of the Night]

slash:-[add description]
played by:-

lucy:-[add description]
played by:-

Jak(standing up): Jak is a strong-willed, head strong fighter that enjoys the company of others only if he cares for them. He is over protective of his younger brother Matt who, on more than one occasion, has gotten into trouble. THouh not necessarily evil, Jak is no where near good and enjoys shedding the blood of his enemies. He has a limited control over the elements through his own will, but he has a disturbing amount of power over the spirits of the world which he uses to fight or enhance his own elemental powers.
played by:-[Nekko fox]
Matt(Hugging Jak):-[add description]
played by:-

Leggo:-Leggo is a normal Nekko fox, he loves adventures and makes friends easily, he is very caring and loving, he has a family but he travels all over the world, so he hardly sees them he writes to them though and keeps a diary. There are many secrets about the 10 year old Nekko fox boy.
played by:- [ritsuka.]

Billie:-Billie is a very seceritve character.He seems to like dark places with little human activity.He loves a good fight and is always looking for a worthy enemy is combat.This 12 year old hates the light as much as a bat(heliophobia).He will do anything to stay in the shadows and trys not to let people know him to well.played by:-[Gaara]

Shesha:-[add description]
played by:-

Spike:- Spike is more of a few people person. He never lets to many people near him. His past hold many secrets to why he is how he is. Spike isn't much of a fighter. He is also affarid of squirals. Spike is 12 years old. Spike is in love with Kiddy.
played by:-[the unseen artist]

Escamarie:-[add description]
played by:-

Keta:-keta is a very nice person when u get to know her and she has lots of friends she doesnt like to fight unless some1 makes her upset or mad keta loves cats and other animals but mainly cats Keta is hardly ever shy and almost always outgoing if shes depressed she doesnt talk much and be careful she may be cute but when shes mad shes deadly keta has 3 cats that are always with her and they are there to help her be happy when shes sad the orange one is murka the brown one is mukko the white one is talim. Keta is happy and lives by herself with her cats though she is 15 she thinks she has a pretty good life
played by:-[Chellie Bear]

<img:>Kiddy:-Kiddy likes to mess around! she is the strongest ever she loves lads loads and likes a flirt around and badly wants a boyfriend and has longed for true love all her life,She loves her Friends and the family she has left she is a warrior princess.Her heart is very big.the little raindear snowball dude she carries is real and also talks they are best friends and never leave one another EVER!She is a cutie and has some real cool war stories at 11 year old.
Her new cat Kitty-<img:>
played by:-[ILY;;]

Sukee:- Though he is not likely to show it, Sukee is proud of beeing son of Urta, Mother of the temple. Growing up in the sacret chambers filled with monks and templars, has made the young man grow silent and taughtfull. He decided to move out of his Den at the age of 15, to start his travel of cleansing. During the 3 years he has been on the road, he has learned to master a kane and cast a few minor spells. His preferd activity is playing his flute.
played by:- [-the wilted bouquet-]

Flint:- [add description]
played by:-

Akira:- Akira is a soft gentle girl, always in the mall and flirting with boys, she loves watching boys fight, she wants to learn to fight to. She is very beautiful and loves dancing and going to parties, she is a real girly girl and cries alot for no reason. She cares about how she looks and is always brushing her hair and putting make up on. She is 16 years old.
She has known Leggo for ages, she watched him grow and they are good friends, apart from the age gap they get on great.
Played by:- [LittleAssassin]

Archwyn: archwyn is part bird tho he is the last of his kind he is generaly nice and will do
anything to know his past. he also has a soft spot for girls played by [emokid777]

<img:>sora:A travelers who likes to have a good time and fight but once you get to know them there ok.Sora is known as the towns hero from were he came from also,he uses hand to hand combat and holds the legendary keyblade..[Sky Chord]

this is claudia...shes hyper and easy to get along with...she has her moments where she blurts out with the most random stuff her #1 quote is "PUDDING!" just because its so random...Claudia is not really up to hand-to-hand combat...she'd rather just whip out her handgun [less messy] so dont piss her off it would be a good idea to wear a bullet proof vest around her she can fight she took classes with her brother but dosent care for it much...... Caludia has many differnt types of powers and uses them im extrem fights and to mess with her friends minds. Claudia has a dark past and gets uneasy when people ask her about it-[Sonya Blue]

Every day clothes


This Is Tura She is around 16 Kiddy's older sister. She was around Kiddy when little to look after her but they got seperated and lost each other. She is kind and loyal and loves talking.
played by:-[ILY;;]

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2006-02-07 [Sonya Blue]: you were

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: "no i wasnt!"

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: you were bawling like a baby

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: keeps walking "...."

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: hey just tell me

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: keeps walking not paying attetion to her

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: you can tell me

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: closes eyes and walks

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: i can keep a secret

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: keeps walking

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: are you even going to talk to me?

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: nods and turns

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: then talk to me now

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: goes out of the forest

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: *follows him* can you tell me?

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: shakes head and keeps eyes closed

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: why not?

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: runs

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: *runs after him*

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: stops and walks

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: you know i used to have a friend who told me i shouldnt keep things bottled up and i dont think you should either

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: gives her a angry look and punches a tree down

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: i didnt mean buy hurting a tree

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: takes a step forward

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn watches the two

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: walks past him without saying a word

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: well do ya want to talk about somthing else?

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: shakes head

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: your sad i an tell

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: takes a deep breath

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: just tell me

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: stops seeming to be looking for something

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: *confused* whats wrong?

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: goes into a dark cave

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: hey now whats with the creepy caves?

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: comes out with two cases

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: "whats that?

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: ignores her and keeps walking

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: "will you stop ingnoring me?"

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: keeps walking

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: *sighs and follows*

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn watches his strange behavior

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: doesnt say a word but stops

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: *sighs*...i know you dont know me but i could help

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn sighs and lands next to sora

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: keeps walking and bumps into archwyn without saying anything

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: *keeps walking*

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: stops

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn looks at sora then nods

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: keeps looks at archwyn and points at her "......"keeps walking

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn looks at her and then sighs then flys back into the air above sora

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: *looks confused*

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: keeps walking

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn lands next to her " its ok to be confused right now "

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: *jumps* you scared me

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn scratched his head " yeah i get that effect alot my names archwyn yours is? "

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: claudia

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn held out a hand " im archwyn nice to meet you "

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: *shakes his hand* nice to meet you too

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn smiled

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: *she gave a shy smile*

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn walked into a branch

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: keeps walking until he gets to a branch

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: *sits in the grass*

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: opens one of the cases on a rock "...."

2006-02-08 [Chellie Bear]: looks at one of the statues and notices something "hey theres something indented in here i cant read the language"

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: pulls out a gunblade "......." opens the other cases and gets the attachments out

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn sits next to claudia and looks at the sky

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: says something under his breath

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: *sighs*

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: walks past both of them with his gunblade

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn looks at claudia "what is it?"

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: keeps walking

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: "nothing"

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: goes back into the cave and opens something

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn stretches his wings " oh ok "

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: puts something in his pocket and walks off pointing a gun at his head

2006-02-08 [Chellie Bear]: tries to read it but cant "what language is this" goes in her house and gets back under her bed

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: "im bored"

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: shoots the gun off once

2006-02-08 [Chellie Bear]: "ok im stuck wait this wasnt under here before" climbs out with a shiny object

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn jumps up " what was that! "

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: and now im deaf *laughs*

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: shoots another

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: looks at her " you are? "

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: no

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn laughs " ok then "

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: "yes i know im strange"

2006-02-08 [Chellie Bear]: dazes at it and tilts her head "its so shiny"

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn said " no your not just funny so where are you from? "

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: walks out limping and covered in blood

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: far away...if that helps any

2006-02-08 [Chellie Bear]: puts it in the sun sees a bright light drops it and covers her eyes "its shiny but blinding"

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn nods " i what about your past? "

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: looks at him"ummm...why do you want to know?"

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn said " well knowing your past helps me know you "

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: "theres to much to say"

2006-02-08 [Chellie Bear]: rubs her eyes and opens them then takes a look at the shiny object

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn nods " i see u dont like to talk about it "

2006-02-08 [Chellie Bear]: goes to the tree in her backyard drops to her knees and prays

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: "not really...not very happy memorys"

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn says " ok then you dont have to "

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: thanks

2006-02-08 [Chellie Bear]: looks up jumps in the tree and put the shiny object in and the object went in it like a puzzle peice "woah" falls out of the tree and lands on her feet

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn smiles

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: *looks down*

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn looks at her with curiousity " whats wrong"

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: "just thinking"

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn says while smiling " oh about what? "

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: smiles "nothing"

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn tilts his head " u sure? "

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: "yeah im sure"

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn says while smiling " ok then " archwyn thinks she seems framiliar....but how?

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: *scratches her ear*

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn says " did you used to live near the area called the land of the birds? "

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: "why?"

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn says " i used to live there till it was destroyed....and you seem the family i lived with....when my home was destroyed...."

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: "i bearly rember a place like that"

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn says quietly " you look like that little girl in that family...i used to live with...."

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: "i do?"

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn shakes his head " nevermind.... "

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: "no wait...i did think you looked fimular..."

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn pulls out a scarf from under his armer " i remember when you gave this to was snowing that day... "

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: "you kept that?"

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn nods " yeah....sentimental value...."

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: "thats sweet"

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn blushed

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: claudia smiled

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn said " its nice to see you again...say do you still have that amulet? "

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: i wish i did it got stolen when my brother left

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn said " aw thats to bad...probably why u diddnt recignize me as much "

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: you got older

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn nods " yeah...sorta never cut my hair and you matured alot...just i saw your face and thought it was you "

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: nice to see you again

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn says " so how old are you long has it been? "

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: " im 20...its been about ten years..."

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn said " think i left then....i am 22 i remember teasing you about being older then you " archwyn laughs to himself

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: i rember that

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn says " did your city make it?...."

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: no

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn says sympatheticly " oh im sorry..."

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: its alright

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn shakes his head " no it was a great city....."

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: *smiles* it was

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn says " howd you make it all the way out hear without a weapon?"

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: being alone taught me more than my brother could...i found out i had power i never knew i not the weak little girl i used to be...*claudia smiled*

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn nodded " i grew wings as u see....also became a lengendary swordsman..."

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: wow

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn shrugged " you wanna go up? "

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: go up where?

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn smiled " i can fly do you want to go up? "

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: sure *laughs*

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn smiled and picked her up then started to flap his wings

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: *claudia laughed*

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn flew into the air while smiling at claudia

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: *claudia wiped the bug off her face* ewwww

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn said " it happens sometimes.... just tell me when you want down "

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: ya know i just rembered my fear of heights ummm yeah so umm yeah

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn lands softly then places her down gently

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: thanks

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn says " no problem " then lays down and looks up at the stars

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: *sits down*

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: archwyn relaxes

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: *streches*

2006-02-08 [emokid777]: (( g2g nite nite bye ))

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: ((k-bye))


2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: *yawns*

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: shoots again

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: *stands up and looks around*

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: comes out limping and covered in blood

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: what hapend to you?

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: doesnt say anything

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: i geuss your still not talking to me

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: drops something and keeps walking

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: *cracks her knuckles*"okay...i geuss not"

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: still looks angery until he falls

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: oh my gosh are you okay? *runs up to him*

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: lays there with his face down

2006-02-08 [Chellie Bear]: stares at the tree then tries to touch the trunk and her hand goes through it like magica\ then pulls it out "woah thats so cool"

2006-02-08 [Sonya Blue]: do you want me to help you?

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: still on the ground

2006-02-08 [Chellie Bear]: walks over to them "why is sora sleeping?"

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: keeps bleeding and gets up "...."snaches the trunk away

2006-02-08 [Chellie Bear]: "o my god your bleeding are you ok sora?"

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: keeps walking

2006-02-08 [Chellie Bear]: walks back to her house and goes through the tree and winds p in a weird place then comes back out

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: keeps walking until he gets to a rock

2006-02-08 [Chellie Bear]: walksto sora "what is wrong please tell me you can trust me"

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: "im sorry.............."doesnt look at her

2006-02-08 [Chellie Bear]: looks down and sighs

2006-02-08 [Sky Chord]: opens the case and puts what was in it on his hand

2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: "i know im a very nosey indivual...but can somone tell me whats wrong?

2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: "i wish i could" goes back to her tree in her yard puts her head through it and is pushed out by something "hey that wasnt nice"

2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: what was thta?

2006-02-09 [Sky Chord]: walks off again

2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: mukko walks over to claudia and meows happily at her

2006-02-09 [Sky Chord]: puts something in his pocket

2006-02-09 [Sonya Blue]: *looks down* "hello"

2006-02-09 [Chellie Bear]: mukko paws at her leg playfully

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